/magic/ - Exists

Not synched.

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沙耶   Expand
It is time.
Citrus time.
Full house vampire.
16 replies omitted.
to be fair i don't expect normal people to know them i just mean if you're also high rank in the movie guesing game for sickos you should
people have all kinds of gimmicks though

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i hope my area gets hit with the large thunderstorm.
for no reason other than i want rain! (and perhaps.. i may be able to get off early)
will it happen? #8ball (Maybe)
always so vague
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well, we did get minor flooding
note enough to cancel anything, though (,,゚Д゚)
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I feel like flooding is quite the signifcant event.
Just live on a hill and you'll never get flooded again.
Life's that easy!

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Anonymous   Expand Last 100
Woah woah woah it's /magic/
732 replies omitted.
Yes yes I'm getting it looked at finally
In good hands though!
good to hear
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Good luck, hope it goes well!
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Hey Noel I wasn't able to reply to your /tea/ posts because I was at work but I hope you're doing better now
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Oh yeah, we made it.


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Anonymous   Expand Last 100
Minecraft isn't working.
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It's been like a year since I've hopped onto Kona-craft server...
Been forever since the /tea/-craft server has been up.
Minecraft itself has updated several times since.
I wonder how you merge old maps into new ones.
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I am playing this game again.
send ip
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Anonymous   Expand Last 100
New K!
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Clear cut case of poor/nonexistent shielding right there.
that is in fact not Kobeni

the thinkpad I just bought has both a normal proprietary charging port and a usb-c thunderbolt port it can charge through, which is really cool. I have a usb-c fast charger I leave at work, so taking my laptop is real easy because I don't have to lug the charging cord with me.

One more til the New K.
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I see, I see. My work laptop charger is USB-C so I can steal that.
What's funny is this laptop is USB-C but the docking station uses a full charger, so you still need a real charging cord here.
I don't have a post so you gotta make it Lila
I am grabbing random pictures from Signal cuz I have no where else to grab from with such low bandwidth lol
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wao there it goes
Part 2 is amazing, Asa is the best character Funimoto has written
The chapters are legit hilarious and made me laugh with Denji's antics and getting pushed around by everyone

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Anonymous   Expand
Baking is /magic/
It deserves its own thread.

see >>57742 and >>58212 for previous recipes.
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@Ren do you know the timing/temperature difference that I'd adjust for a ceramic loaf pan?
I keep on increasing the time and temperature but man, it keeps on sticking. I'm on my 3rd attempt with a broken loaf and I'm getting quite disenchanted with ceramic pans in total.
For reference, I still ... okay I'll buy an instant read thermometer...
I baked cookies yesterday. They didnt come out like i epected but they're okay i guess. They dont taste that sweet but I know how much sugar i put in them so I know i cant eat as much as I feel I should be able to... I know theyre sugar cookies, but i feel like the recipei called for way too much still.
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Found your problem. Everything wilton I've ever used has been cheap junk.
In the biz, the wilton pans were always the junk pans used for junk jobs.
>blob a few drops of vegetable oil on the pan and smear it around
I've never had luck doing this. I find I need to actually spray on oil with a spritzer or something.
Normal spray oils in a can normally have flour or lecithin added for extra unstickability which I don't care for personally, but you might be fine with.
Also >>62374
In the biz, I'd flop it out of the strap pans similar to flipping things out of a frying pan, but for a single loaf, I just turn it over and let it fall out.
I'd think it'd be pretty much the same as glass or cast iron. I actually stopped adjusting for the pan I'm baking in since I found it really doesn't make that much of a difference.
Salt and vanilla are pretty important for cookies. I like to put in 2-3 times the called for vanilla for most things. It makes them taste so much better.

I watched this video recently. For some reason, I find it wild how similar this bakery is to the ones I've worked at. Even the equipment is the same.
I guess thinking about it makes it less wild. Maybe just wacky.
I'unno, but if you ever wondered what it's like working in a bakery, this'll give you the vibe.
I really want those ovens. They look nice.
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Oh right, I forgot to ask my question.
Does anyone here have any experience with Belgian pies? I made one for thanksgiving despite never seeing one before and was told it was pretty good. Now I want to make a better one for Christmas, but every recipe I've found kinda sucks. I'll probably rig together my own thing, but I want to make sure I'm still making a Belgian pie.

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Anonymous   Expand Last 100
By the mandate of the K, I create our new thread.
All hail the K.
All glory to the K.
908 replies omitted.
#d8 (6)
#d100 (73) skrewed
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Sad times.
Made in Abyss new season is really good!
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S-saya! The thread died! :c
might go catatonic again

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Anonymous   Expand Last 100
Where did the last thread go?
912 replies omitted.
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>biometric authentication
might cover up those two
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Might also be that one of those is an ambient light sensor for automatic screen brightness and another is a proximity sensor for turning off the screen when you put the phone against your ear.
At least the Windows Hello biometric cameras emit infrared when they activate so if they're similar you might be able to find out by pointing an old digital camera at it.

I'd assume there's less need for those and more need for sensors on the front of the device.
Also some of these cameras take pictures before and after the main camera...
Also also modern smartphones have AIs for recognizing lewd body parts because that's what people actually use smartphone cameras for.
They're actually worse at recognizing faces than cocks.
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>Macro camera
>ultrawide camera
>main camera
>depth camera
So that's what those do
<< it's time >>

but for what purpose?